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I might have known it was respect.....

I suspect,amongst the most difficult businesses of the world,commanding respect has found a very prominent place.It's indeed a rare occasion when i do'nt have trouble envisaging what i am gonna write but the challenge is confronted when i describe it.Respect is something everyone around loves to command and not every one gets it,but surely it would'nt be right to say that respected people do'nt abound ,but contextually many are striving to get it too.The question of bluntly asking for respect is rarely invoked...You had heard of people who were said to have been asking for respect.Truly once the credibility and respect are lost,the proliferation is something redoubtable.

Today i just feel like giving you or may be you can say imposing(ehh..!) 4 magical points that for you would help garner respect from your surroundings and establish a long term respectable decorum in the society(I shall be extremely sorry if none of these turns out to be a magical one for you),but importantly please do'nt consider this deed of mine as a claim that i am a very respectable man...(wEll I may not be one...)
Here it goes:::::::::
1).Archaic one to start but still the catapult to a respectable life--"self respect"is the basic block for building a mansion of respect from all spheres.You can'nt ask for a grudging introduction when you limp down the stage.

2).Overexposure of your mental and physical being in the fire of thoughts that are irrelevant and undemanding of your precence,burns the layer of your respectable skin scathely.So better stick to your pants and bowls...

3).Try and be the best in your business,even if you can'nt pay off your exorcist,the banished conscience can gradually be reinstated once you get an establishment of repect around(to your great astonishment my friends)

4).An odd one....(but show an endeavor to take it seriously).The concerns about sticking to the vernacular hip have been rife,please do'nt undermine your professional and personal long term respectful life by bothering yourself with these pestilences.Support yourself with best of the languages of the world.



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