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I might have known it was respect.....

I suspect,amongst the most difficult businesses of the world,commanding respect has found a very prominent place.It's indeed a rare occasion when i do'nt have trouble envisaging what i am gonna write but the challenge is confronted when i describe it.Respect is something everyone around loves to command and not every one gets it,but surely it would'nt be right to say that respected people do'nt abound ,but contextually many are striving to get it too.The question of bluntly asking for respect is rarely invoked...You had heard of people who were said to have been asking for respect.Truly once the credibility and respect are lost,the proliferation is something redoubtable.

Today i just feel like giving you or may be you can say imposing(ehh..!) 4 magical points that for you would help garner respect from your surroundings and establish a long term respectable decorum in the society(I shall be extremely sorry if none of these turns out to be a magical one for you),but importantly please do'nt consider this deed of mine as a claim that i am a very respectable man...(wEll I may not be one...)
Here it goes:::::::::
1).Archaic one to start but still the catapult to a respectable life--"self respect"is the basic block for building a mansion of respect from all spheres.You can'nt ask for a grudging introduction when you limp down the stage.

2).Overexposure of your mental and physical being in the fire of thoughts that are irrelevant and undemanding of your precence,burns the layer of your respectable skin scathely.So better stick to your pants and bowls...

3).Try and be the best in your business,even if you can'nt pay off your exorcist,the banished conscience can gradually be reinstated once you get an establishment of repect around(to your great astonishment my friends)

4).An odd one....(but show an endeavor to take it seriously).The concerns about sticking to the vernacular hip have been rife,please do'nt undermine your professional and personal long term respectful life by bothering yourself with these pestilences.Support yourself with best of the languages of the world.


About almost a week back I have had the opportunity of attending one of the filthiest parties of my life. It was on the occasion of the wedding of my friend's friend. That was an experience so disgusting yet I felt the usurpation of the reposition of all the love and sacrifice and those humane feelings i found myself drenched with...and so is the reason I write it today.

And now because i write it,I find ...{{BULLshit Iam damn interrupted by the salesman of the kotak mahindra trying to entice me with his company's saving plans...I tell him to get a fuck out of this place}} where was i .................yes--I find this eloquent to the extent of expressing the grief aroused by that perpetual servitude that my country's poor live with as a result of the the pittance they are paid every day they work.YEs you got it right,I am talking about the pittance paid to almost quarter of the total population of the world's second fastest growing economy just after china,which is also the fourth largest economy by purchasing power parity..(sorry for just a little bit of digression because of my acumen in!).So by and large it was so different a show put up in front of us and astonishingly different from any other I had seen before....Almost all the family members of the bridegroom had little time for indolence as they acted as the general factotums.A matter that does'nt demand to be treated with utmost delicacy but at the same time which can'nt be avoided as a whole.It goes strange by me to consider weather a foreigner can even imagine such a filthy show is put up just a few miles from the pragati maidan area  where we have the grandiloquent IITF going on at the same time. And not only that there are hundreds of those filthy functions arranged everyday in various suburbs of Delhi and that alone explains the amazing story of condemnation to eternal punishment in this hell..

10 facts I am damned to tell about my country

Let me go this way::::::
My cOunTry is one >>
1. where Emancipation is locked in the rooster coop formed by insomniac tarts.

2. where Govt. repudiates the taints of our corruption policies....aha!(someone told me I could be a good satirist)

3. where being a chauffeur is the most fucking job.

4. Where spirituality is embedded to the grass root levels.

5. where an entourage of sycophants seem to change your life significantly.

6. where a man as a tot in general is brought up with a thorough introduction to all facets of life that at a later stage he does'nt necessarily feel the need to fail to realize the value of success.

7. a country where we have an entrepreneur trying to come out of almost every other man.

8. where the phrase-"Male Chauvinist" appears,if not more,then almost about 100 times a week in our newspapers.

9. where persistence has tremendous meaning amongst prolonged aspirations.

10. where debauchery is culturally very much exceptionable and yet libido has no extents......

It's time wE sAid goodbye aMerican dollar

We confront a lot of answers to weather the american dollar still dominates the global economic market,but all of them are answered in camouflage and all the confabulators around are almost half a mind to understand this concept which is a very significant one in a seemingly insignificant way,and why not they be,as the new buzz word in the global ecenomic market"YUAN" has got it's fair share of complexities attached to it.

"Yuan" as we know is the currency of not only the fastest growing but the overall third largest economy of the world.
Many great economists despite have believed a few years back that yuan can dominate the gloabal market,seem to acknowledge that yuan has reached a level where it is the strongest currency of the world,but strings attached.The chinese are reluctant enough to let their currency strengthen as compared to the $US...why???But before I answer that why,let us look at the resolution from the the recently concluded G-20 conference which not only explains the major problem damaging the sustainability of the economy but also to an extent explains the the forthcoming dominance of the chinese in the world::::::::::::::::
--The chinese consume just a little over 40% of what they produce and so they save 50% of the outputs and out of that export 8% of the savings and also from that a major part is exported to US and this for many years has been increasing the external liabilities of United States mostly in the form of chinese bonds.
So very conspicuously the chinese are not willing to strenghten their currency due to the fact-"stronger a country's currency ,the less attractive it's exports and the cheaper it's imports,boosting local absorption of goods and services"
So the big question remains whether the chinese would agree to let their currency strengthen significantly against the US dollar to boost domestic consumption or will continue to rule under the veil....


A few years back,if i look the one major thing I spent most of my time in was fantasizing.....I had the characteristics of the biggest and the most abstract fantasists of the world i would say.But today the situation seems to have changed and has taken a few graceful turns because of that extraordinary exercise of fantasizing I practiced.

Fantasies have always led to the sudden immersion of the soul into the most desirable current of life,and not only for me but for the whole world whoever fantasizes.
I consider fantasizing as one of the most genuine and to be the most indispensable part of our lives because it is the most congenial step towards accomplishing the biggest of our goals ....

Well most of the psychological experts would say that thoughts sprayed on amorphous stones cannot pave a solid foundation,but I strongly feel that a solid foundation can be constructed once you start fantasizing to the extent that you stick to your dream for a period longer than anyone around you thinks you have a right to stick to it.

Why do Girls love their cell phones more than anything else

A few days back I was passing by a public place and I saw a girl chatting away on her cell phone
and the worst nightmare of the lady came true, her phone rang up in a perfectly audible way to me and it reAlly was a deal for me to stop myself from laughing for the next 5 minutes,any slightest thought of the incident for another few days would make me laugh......

How could someone take pleasure in flaunting her conversation on mobile phone,My goodness! Insanity overflown??look at the wide range of acts people go into in India for mere flaunting.

Whether i am commuting through the public transport or walking through my college campus,one thing i come across more often than not is a girl desperately jotting words in her cell phone or browsing through it for she has got a plenty of world waiting for her inside that machine. I do'nt know whether it's important or mere flaunting but this is how their life goes on.

It gratifies almost every girl around.
But going into the picture i see ,women's relationships with gadgets have always been gruesome as seen from the eyes of a misogynist,anyways they surely look incongruous in women's hands even if a genuine body looks at.
So the kernel ::::::::::::
5 Reasons wHy are women spotted with a cell phone in their hand everytime:-

  1. They gotta show-they are always busy and to incorporate the fact that they have more links in the outer world than they are spotted at.
  2. They fantasize the life of a tycoon
  3. They envisage the irregularities of a realtionship
  4. They deliver things only from the gut
  5. and They are sUlking

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