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Why do Girls love their cell phones more than anything else

A few days back I was passing by a public place and I saw a girl chatting away on her cell phone
and the worst nightmare of the lady came true, her phone rang up in a perfectly audible way to me and it reAlly was a deal for me to stop myself from laughing for the next 5 minutes,any slightest thought of the incident for another few days would make me laugh......

How could someone take pleasure in flaunting her conversation on mobile phone,My goodness! Insanity overflown??look at the wide range of acts people go into in India for mere flaunting.

Whether i am commuting through the public transport or walking through my college campus,one thing i come across more often than not is a girl desperately jotting words in her cell phone or browsing through it for she has got a plenty of world waiting for her inside that machine. I do'nt know whether it's important or mere flaunting but this is how their life goes on.

It gratifies almost every girl around.
But going into the picture i see ,women's relationships with gadgets have always been gruesome as seen from the eyes of a misogynist,anyways they surely look incongruous in women's hands even if a genuine body looks at.
So the kernel ::::::::::::
5 Reasons wHy are women spotted with a cell phone in their hand everytime:-

  1. They gotta show-they are always busy and to incorporate the fact that they have more links in the outer world than they are spotted at.
  2. They fantasize the life of a tycoon
  3. They envisage the irregularities of a realtionship
  4. They deliver things only from the gut
  5. and They are sUlking


J.Doe said...

Amazing indian girls...:-)




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